The Representative office of Poland in Palestine distributed food packages to families affected by COVID-19 pandemic

2020-12-28 07:59:36

Financed by the PolishAid and in cooperation between Bethlehem Municipality and the Home of Peace: The Representative office of Poland in Palestine distributed food packages to families affected by COVID-19 pandemic


The Representative office of Poland in Palestine and with the financing of the Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, and in cooperation with the Home of Peace in Bethlehem, has supported families working in the tourism sector who are economically affected by the Corona pandemic, by distributing (390) packages of food and sanitizers.  

The Mayor of Bethlehem Adv. Anton Salman has declared that since the appearance of the first infection of COVID-19 in Bethlehem, the tourism wheel has stopped and the local economy has been severely affected, which has also reflected on families of Bethlehem, in particular those working in the tourism industry. Salman confirmed that this initiative comes in support and solidarity of those families, even if it was a drop in the sea, especially in this Christmas time in which Bethlehem is used to prosper economically. Also, he thanked the Polish Government and the Representative office of the Republic of Poland for this grant, and the Sisters of the Congregation of St. Elizabeth from the House of Peace in Bethlehem for their collaboration in distributing the packages.

From his side, the Head of the Representative office of the Republic of Poland in Palestine Mr. Przemysław Czyż has said that Christmas is a special time for all of us, especially in Poland, where we believe that this is the time when we share joy with our loved ones, but also with those in need. And he confirmed that is why the Polish aid comes as a sort of help and solidarity to a number of families from Bethlehem in food packages financed by PolishAid. And assured that he is glad that his office has cooperated in this action with the House of Peace and the Bethlehem Municipality.

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